Wednesday, 28 February 2007

2nd Floor Enquiry Desk PC

The PC closest to the stairs at the 2nd Floor Enquiry Desk is refusing to connect to certain websites at the moment, including EBSCOhost. I've reported this problem to John and Paul and asked them to investigate. Until they've managed to resolve this I would recommend using the other PC.


Monday, 26 February 2007

Westlaw working fine now

The earlier problem with Westlaw (and Lawtel) via Athens has been resolved.


Westlaw Athens Access Problems

It seems that there is a problem with Athens access to Westlaw at the moment - it's affecting all universities. On campus access via IP address is unaffected. Westlaw know about the problem and are working on it.


Friday, 23 February 2007

batteries for 208 remote control

Jane has asked that we remove the batteries to room 208 remote control because they keep going missing. I've put the batteries where we normally keep the key to the key safe. If you issue them, keep the student's ID card until returned?


Tuesday, 20 February 2007

Science Direct will unavailable for part of Sat Feb. 24

Hi Everyone,

We've received the following message about Science Direct downtime from Elsevier:

"ScienceDirect will be unavailable on Saturday, February 24th for approximately 9 hours starting at 06:00 AM EST (11:00 GMT). During this time engineers will be implementing a large-scale rebuilding program on some of core aspects of the platform's underlying technologies, which will help ensure that the system continues to provide a high level of reliability in the coming years.
We apologize for any inconvenience that this will cause to ScienceDirect users, which we hope we can minimise by providing this advance notice.
Users who log in will see a notice saying that the system is temporarily unavailable."


Some 2nd Floor Student Computers Not Working

There are five or six student PC's that are not working on the 2nd floor (they are opposite the journals right next to the central light well). CSV have been notified. If they are still not working by tomorrow (Weds 21st) afternoon then CSV must be contacted again.

Law Encyclopedias

I am moving the following publications from the open shelves to a wooden trolley behind my desk and I’m going to hold them there for a few months. This means that you may get someone at the enquiry desk asking for them – just hand the ency to them and ask them to leave them on the 2nd floor desk if no one is about. They’ll be a signing up sheet on the front of the publication.

Encyclopedia of employment law and practice
Encyclopedia of competition law
Encyclopedia of consumer credit law
Encyclopedia of consumer law
Encyclopedia of insurance law
Garner’s environmental law
International encyclopedia of comparative law


Monday, 12 February 2007

Computer Login Problems

There were problems earlier this morning with students not being able to login to the PCs on the second floor. It seems to sort itself out if you restart the PC.


SFX Error Message

SFX doesn't appear to be working this morning. You just get an error message whenever you click on an SFX button. It should be possible to reach the particular e-journal by accessing the resource that contains the e-journal, if people are keen to continue searching.

I have asked Paul to investigate, so I hope this won't continue for too long.


Thursday, 8 February 2007

Linking laptops to the LCD projector in 312

It is now possible to route laptops through the LCD projector in room 312 without opening the back of the cupboard, via a junction box on top of the cupboard and a laptop cable.

If students wish to do this and they haven't got a linking cable they will need to borrow the cable in Media which is kept in the drawer under the counter in the Media office and labelled 'Laptop cable for 312) . Please ask for their student ID card in exchange and keep this in the Media draw.

To link the two together:
  • Remove the cable labelled ComputerReplace the computer cable with the laptop cable
  • Log on the laptop
  • Insert the other end of the cable into the laptop
  • At the end of the session the computer cable will need to be replaced

Linking from MetaLib e-journals list

Many of you will be aware that if you clicked on the title of an e-journal in the e-journal list within MetaLib, the subsequest SFX menu would only show our electronic holdings. However, if you clicked on the SFX button to the right of the journal title you would be shown the electronic holdings, and also a link to the OPAC, if the journal is available in print.

Please note that Paul has now changed the settings so that the SFX box will display both the electronic holdings and the link to the OPAC (where available), whether you click on the title or the SFX button.

Many thanks to Paul for this improvement.

Tuesday, 6 February 2007

Projector in 208

The LCD projector in 208 is now back in full working order.