Tuesday, 14 August 2007

Changes to My Athens

Hi Everyone,

Please see the information below about changes to the MyAthens interface...



New MyAthens portal
MyAthens has been given a portal style that provides users with more information on the homepage. The information is now placed in panels that users can move on the screen, minimize or close, so that they can customize their homepage.
In order to minimize the impact on users and administrators, we have released the new interface as a beta version in parallel with the current MyAthens for a period of four weeks until 10 September 2007. We hope that this approach will make the transition easier for both users and administrators by allowing users to familiarise themselves with the new interface whilst retaining access to the old one for a while.For the next two weeks, users will be presented with the current MyAthens interface by default but will be able to click on a 'Try the new beta version of MyAthens' link to view and use the new interface. Users can go back to the current interface if they wish with a warning that the old interface is being phased out in early September.On 28 August, we will switch the interfaces to present the new MyAthens portal as the default, with a link to the old MyAthens. This will remain in place for two weeks with a warning that the old interface will disappear on 10 September 2007.From 10 September the new MyAthens portal will be the only available interface and no longer a beta version.

1 comment:

James said...

Hi All,

Please see the message below about the slight delay in the removal of the old MyAthens interface.



To all administrators

Following our message of 14 August 2007, we are writing to inform you that the old MyAthens interface and the new MyAthens Portal will continue to run in parallel for another week. On 18 September 2007, we will remove the old version of MyAthens and the beta version will become the standard version available to all users.

During the last four weeks we have been collecting comments directly from users (via the Comments Form on the MyAthens portal homepage). This has enabled us to capture their reactions and to fix any problems that have been raised. Overall, the response has been extremely positive with 70% of users having rated it 4 or 5 (where 5 is excellent).

We will continue to improve the new MyAthens interface to ensure users and administrators have all the functionality they require to make their work easier.

If you have any comments regarding the above please contact the Athens Service Desk at athenshelp@eduserv.org.uk.

Marie Drage
Web Manager