Wednesday, 31 October 2007

Athens Login: Sheffield Hallam Message

Hi Everyone,

Several people have reported the following message (Take me to the Sheffield Hallam University login page) when they try to login to our e-resources via Athens. It appears there was a mix-up with the IP addresses that they held for Coventry and for Sheffield Hallam. After several emails to the Eduserv helpdesk they have informed me that the problem has been resolved.

If anyone sees this message again, could you please let me know about it, as I will need to get back in contact with the helpdesk.



Monday, 29 October 2007

Business students studying law


Module leader for 150CLS and 199CLS has asked us not to show Westlaw to the business students who study these modules. They should be directed to the books on their reading lists.


Lexis Nexis Professional Switched Off

Hi Everyone,

We have just been informed that Lexis Nexis Professional has now been deactivated. I know that most of you will be aware that this was due to happen and have been using Lexis Nexis Butterworths to access the online newspapers.

However, until recently we have had access to both LN Professional and LN Butterworths. So I thought it would be helpful to let you know that Professional has gone, in case you get any enquiries or you want to inform your academics.


Accessing e-resources from halls of residence

Hi Everyone,

Due to changes that ITS have made to the network in the halls of residence (see students will no longer be able to automatically access our e-resources from their halls as if they were on campus. They will either need to login using Athens or via the Webcache or the Thin Client service. Using the Webcache or Thin Client makes you appear to be on-campus, so you won’t be asked for Athens details if these are only required for off-campus access. ITS have guides to using these in the Location Independent Working section of their website.

In case a student is searching the Library CU Portal pages for information about this, Hannah has added an FAQ that links to this ITS page.

Both the Webcache and Thin Client are relatively easy to use and each have different advantages. If anyone would like a demo of how to use them just ask me or another member of the web group.



Westlaw unavailable this weekend

Westlaw will be unavailable between Friday 2nd November 8pm and 8pm Sunday 4th November because of an upgrade to their system.


Wednesday, 24 October 2007

Second floor printing

There seems to be an intermittent problem with printing on floor 2. Some students are sending documents to print (not necessarily from this floor) but these are not showing up once they've logged in at the print station. I've spoken to Tony from ITS who says to ask students to click the print icon in the bottom right-hand corner of the pc screen to check for the progress of the document. If it's still sitting there or if their print job is still not appearing, they should log off and try another pc. If this fails, they should be sent to ITS who will have the issue investigated.


Wednesday, 17 October 2007

Athens Bookmarks

Hi Everyone,

A few people have asked me if we are going to print off any more Athens bookmarks to give out at the enquiry desk. Whenever I get asked about Athens I show the students the Athens section of the eLibrary gatefold guide as this shows them how to create their Athens details. Hopefully other parts of the guide will also be useful for them, so I think we should just give out the eLibrary guide in these cases.

If anyone feels strongly that we should have an Athens guide, please let me know. Otherwise please give the students an eLibrary guide.

Many thanks,


Friday, 12 October 2007

Law move round

Summary of changes:

Halsbury’s Statutes and Statutory Instruments have been moved to closed stack and subscriptions cancelled.

Law dictionaries and abbreviations books have been moved to the start of Social Science Periodicals (as has Current law annual, case citator and statute citator).

Halsbury’s Laws of England isn’t being updated but is still useful (at the moment) as an encyclopedia; it is still in the same place – by the EDC. By the way, Halsbury's Laws of England is now part of our Lexis subscription and can be found under the Commentary tab.

Thursday, 11 October 2007

Informaworld Maintenance

Hi All,

We've had the following message from informaworld support:

"Please be advised that there will be a period of scheduled maintenance on the informaworld website on Saturday 13th October. Between 09:00 BST and 12:00 BST you may experience some slowness of response and potentially some small periods when the site is unavailable. We hope this does not cause you inconvenience."



Tuesday, 9 October 2007

Changes to eLibrary Subject Categories

Hi Everyone,

As you will probably be aware, Gill and I have been working with the SLs to reduce the number of Subject Categories within the eLibrary. In order to help you keep track of the changes I have saved a document to the w: drive that details all the new categories and also what has happened to all the old categories.

The document is called Changes to MetaLib Subject Categories - Sept 2007 and it can be found in the following folder: W:\Team Work Areas\Electronic Resources\MetaLib - SFX

I hope this will help everyone to keep track of what has changed,



Monday, 8 October 2007

MyiLibrary e-books in OPAC

Hi Everyone,

Good News! Sandy has now managed to add all the MyiLibrary books to the OPAC, so you should now be able to find any of these titles by searching in the usual way.

When linking to an e-resource on the standalone OPACs you will get a ‘Page Cannot be Displayed’ message, as these machines are restricted to just Library Catalogue use. We’ve asked Paul to try get a message to display when a user clicks on a link to an e-resource, telling them that they need to use a networked PC. However, in the meantime please advise users about this if they ask you.

Sandy is hoping to add the ebrary titles at some point in the next month, when she has received the new records from ebrary.



Friday, 5 October 2007

Printing Information on CU Portal

Hi All,

I have been asked about adding information about printing to the Library CU Portal area, but this information is already available in the ITS area, so rather than duplicating this information I thought it would be helpful to point everyone in this direction.

If you click on the IT Sevices link on the CUP homepage (just under the Library link on the left) you are taken to the ITS homepage.

There is a direct link to the Printing Credits section of the Online Store on the left hand menu of this page, which students can use to top up their credit online.

There is also a Printing section with a link to 'Printing in open access rooms' in the 'Looking for a facility or service' section in the centre of the ITS homepage. This will take you to the general printing guidelines section of the ITS website and the different aspects of printing can be linked to by clicking on the tabs that say Student Printing Purchasing Printing Credits Printing Your Job etc.

Hope this is useful,


Wednesday, 3 October 2007

Workshops and surgeries for business students

Olivia and I will be running workshops and surgeries for business students each week from w.c 15 October. I have put some flyers about this in the leaflet container behind floor 2 enquiries. Please pass them out to any students who may benefit or be interested.


Monday, 1 October 2007

Returning students login problems

Some returning students have reported problems logging in. According to ITS, this is probably because their passwords have expired over the summer. They just need to re-register. If they're still having problems, they should be referred to the ITS desk.

Business School student timetables

There's an OMIS icon on students' desktops. If they click on this, select their course name and code, they will eventually locate their timetable.

Business School student timetables

There's an OMIS icon on students' desktop. If they click on this and select their degree course name and code, they will eventually find their timetable.