Monday, 29 October 2007

Accessing e-resources from halls of residence

Hi Everyone,

Due to changes that ITS have made to the network in the halls of residence (see students will no longer be able to automatically access our e-resources from their halls as if they were on campus. They will either need to login using Athens or via the Webcache or the Thin Client service. Using the Webcache or Thin Client makes you appear to be on-campus, so you won’t be asked for Athens details if these are only required for off-campus access. ITS have guides to using these in the Location Independent Working section of their website.

In case a student is searching the Library CU Portal pages for information about this, Hannah has added an FAQ that links to this ITS page.

Both the Webcache and Thin Client are relatively easy to use and each have different advantages. If anyone would like a demo of how to use them just ask me or another member of the web group.



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