Monday, 19 November 2007

JISC E-books Added to OPAC

Hi Everyone,

Sandy has now added records to the OPAC for the 36 e-books that JISC have made available to us as part of their 2 year project to monitor e-book usage.

There are 7 Media Studies titles, 5 Business/Management titles, 14 Engineering titles and 10 Medical titles. The medical titles are provided via the Ovid platform and all the others are via MyiLibrary. If you haven’t seen a full list of the titles and would like to, please have a look at the document ‘full-list-of-e-books’ which can be found on the w: drive (W:\Team Work Areas\Electronic Resources\E-Books\JISC E-books Observatory Project).

All the titles have an on-campus URL, which should take you through without needing to login and an off-campus URL, which takes you in via Athens.

If you have any questions about these titles or about the project, just ask.



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