Thursday, 6 December 2007

EBSCO & SFX Problem Fixed

Hi Everyone,

I've spoken to EBSCO and they have made a change to our account profile which seems to have fixed the problem with linking to articles from SFX. Previously we were sometimes being taken to a login screen, even when we were on-campus.

If anyone experiences this problem again, please do let me know.



Friday, 30 November 2007

eLibrary Tutorial

Hi All,

Gill has completed the eLibrary Tutorial in INFORMS and Paul has added a button to link to this in the eLibrary banner. Please do pass any feedback about the tutorial to Gill or myself.

Gill is currently working on a guide to the My eLibrary section, which we are planning to publish as a gatefold, to accompany the general eLibrary guide. This should be available shortly.



Tuesday, 27 November 2007

Problem linking to EBSCO from SFX

Hi Everyone,

Several people have reported a problem of being presented with a login screen when they link through to articles in EBSCO databases from SFX, even though they are on-campus. This only appears to happen when the Year, Vol, Issue & Page boxes are populated. It happens even if the correct information is in these boxes.

For now the only way that I have found around this is to take the information out of the boxes. You should then be able to link to the Journal Publication page within EBSCO and can then select the relevant year, volume/issue and article from the lists.

I've asked Sandy to investigate this further and if necessary we will report it to Ex Libris or to EBSCO. It's currently difficult to establish where the problem lies. This has been corroborated by an email sent to the SFX mailing list which appears to describe the same problem at another institution.



Thursday, 22 November 2007

Law Surgery cancelled for Tuesday 27th November

I won’t have my surgery in the department on Tuesday 27th November because I am attending a Westlaw usergroup meeting. I have put a note up on the door of the relevant room. Please ask students to email me if they wish to see me or take their details and I’ll get back to them. Law Surgery resumes as normal the week after.


Wednesday, 21 November 2007

Academic Search Complete

ASC has now replaced Academic Search Premier. The new database contains all the material of ASP and includes additional journal titles.


Monday, 19 November 2007

JISC E-books Added to OPAC

Hi Everyone,

Sandy has now added records to the OPAC for the 36 e-books that JISC have made available to us as part of their 2 year project to monitor e-book usage.

There are 7 Media Studies titles, 5 Business/Management titles, 14 Engineering titles and 10 Medical titles. The medical titles are provided via the Ovid platform and all the others are via MyiLibrary. If you haven’t seen a full list of the titles and would like to, please have a look at the document ‘full-list-of-e-books’ which can be found on the w: drive (W:\Team Work Areas\Electronic Resources\E-Books\JISC E-books Observatory Project).

All the titles have an on-campus URL, which should take you through without needing to login and an off-campus URL, which takes you in via Athens.

If you have any questions about these titles or about the project, just ask.



Friday, 9 November 2007

Third floor colour photocopier

The colour photocopier is out of action until Tuesday 13th November because a student put their own glossy paper in the bypass feeder which melted on the roller.
We're now awaiting a new roller. We've also asked for the bypass tray to be disabled and for a security cage to be put round the paper trays to stop access.


Wednesday, 7 November 2007

Westlaw unavailable this weekend

The planned upgrade of Westlaw did not take place as planned last weekend, it will happen this weekend instead:

You will be unable to access Westlaw UK from 18:00 GMT Saturday 10th November to 06:00 GMT Monday 12th November

Annoyed Sue

Wednesday, 31 October 2007

Athens Login: Sheffield Hallam Message

Hi Everyone,

Several people have reported the following message (Take me to the Sheffield Hallam University login page) when they try to login to our e-resources via Athens. It appears there was a mix-up with the IP addresses that they held for Coventry and for Sheffield Hallam. After several emails to the Eduserv helpdesk they have informed me that the problem has been resolved.

If anyone sees this message again, could you please let me know about it, as I will need to get back in contact with the helpdesk.



Monday, 29 October 2007

Business students studying law


Module leader for 150CLS and 199CLS has asked us not to show Westlaw to the business students who study these modules. They should be directed to the books on their reading lists.


Lexis Nexis Professional Switched Off

Hi Everyone,

We have just been informed that Lexis Nexis Professional has now been deactivated. I know that most of you will be aware that this was due to happen and have been using Lexis Nexis Butterworths to access the online newspapers.

However, until recently we have had access to both LN Professional and LN Butterworths. So I thought it would be helpful to let you know that Professional has gone, in case you get any enquiries or you want to inform your academics.


Accessing e-resources from halls of residence

Hi Everyone,

Due to changes that ITS have made to the network in the halls of residence (see students will no longer be able to automatically access our e-resources from their halls as if they were on campus. They will either need to login using Athens or via the Webcache or the Thin Client service. Using the Webcache or Thin Client makes you appear to be on-campus, so you won’t be asked for Athens details if these are only required for off-campus access. ITS have guides to using these in the Location Independent Working section of their website.

In case a student is searching the Library CU Portal pages for information about this, Hannah has added an FAQ that links to this ITS page.

Both the Webcache and Thin Client are relatively easy to use and each have different advantages. If anyone would like a demo of how to use them just ask me or another member of the web group.



Westlaw unavailable this weekend

Westlaw will be unavailable between Friday 2nd November 8pm and 8pm Sunday 4th November because of an upgrade to their system.


Wednesday, 24 October 2007

Second floor printing

There seems to be an intermittent problem with printing on floor 2. Some students are sending documents to print (not necessarily from this floor) but these are not showing up once they've logged in at the print station. I've spoken to Tony from ITS who says to ask students to click the print icon in the bottom right-hand corner of the pc screen to check for the progress of the document. If it's still sitting there or if their print job is still not appearing, they should log off and try another pc. If this fails, they should be sent to ITS who will have the issue investigated.


Wednesday, 17 October 2007

Athens Bookmarks

Hi Everyone,

A few people have asked me if we are going to print off any more Athens bookmarks to give out at the enquiry desk. Whenever I get asked about Athens I show the students the Athens section of the eLibrary gatefold guide as this shows them how to create their Athens details. Hopefully other parts of the guide will also be useful for them, so I think we should just give out the eLibrary guide in these cases.

If anyone feels strongly that we should have an Athens guide, please let me know. Otherwise please give the students an eLibrary guide.

Many thanks,


Friday, 12 October 2007

Law move round

Summary of changes:

Halsbury’s Statutes and Statutory Instruments have been moved to closed stack and subscriptions cancelled.

Law dictionaries and abbreviations books have been moved to the start of Social Science Periodicals (as has Current law annual, case citator and statute citator).

Halsbury’s Laws of England isn’t being updated but is still useful (at the moment) as an encyclopedia; it is still in the same place – by the EDC. By the way, Halsbury's Laws of England is now part of our Lexis subscription and can be found under the Commentary tab.

Thursday, 11 October 2007

Informaworld Maintenance

Hi All,

We've had the following message from informaworld support:

"Please be advised that there will be a period of scheduled maintenance on the informaworld website on Saturday 13th October. Between 09:00 BST and 12:00 BST you may experience some slowness of response and potentially some small periods when the site is unavailable. We hope this does not cause you inconvenience."



Tuesday, 9 October 2007

Changes to eLibrary Subject Categories

Hi Everyone,

As you will probably be aware, Gill and I have been working with the SLs to reduce the number of Subject Categories within the eLibrary. In order to help you keep track of the changes I have saved a document to the w: drive that details all the new categories and also what has happened to all the old categories.

The document is called Changes to MetaLib Subject Categories - Sept 2007 and it can be found in the following folder: W:\Team Work Areas\Electronic Resources\MetaLib - SFX

I hope this will help everyone to keep track of what has changed,



Monday, 8 October 2007

MyiLibrary e-books in OPAC

Hi Everyone,

Good News! Sandy has now managed to add all the MyiLibrary books to the OPAC, so you should now be able to find any of these titles by searching in the usual way.

When linking to an e-resource on the standalone OPACs you will get a ‘Page Cannot be Displayed’ message, as these machines are restricted to just Library Catalogue use. We’ve asked Paul to try get a message to display when a user clicks on a link to an e-resource, telling them that they need to use a networked PC. However, in the meantime please advise users about this if they ask you.

Sandy is hoping to add the ebrary titles at some point in the next month, when she has received the new records from ebrary.



Friday, 5 October 2007

Printing Information on CU Portal

Hi All,

I have been asked about adding information about printing to the Library CU Portal area, but this information is already available in the ITS area, so rather than duplicating this information I thought it would be helpful to point everyone in this direction.

If you click on the IT Sevices link on the CUP homepage (just under the Library link on the left) you are taken to the ITS homepage.

There is a direct link to the Printing Credits section of the Online Store on the left hand menu of this page, which students can use to top up their credit online.

There is also a Printing section with a link to 'Printing in open access rooms' in the 'Looking for a facility or service' section in the centre of the ITS homepage. This will take you to the general printing guidelines section of the ITS website and the different aspects of printing can be linked to by clicking on the tabs that say Student Printing Purchasing Printing Credits Printing Your Job etc.

Hope this is useful,


Wednesday, 3 October 2007

Workshops and surgeries for business students

Olivia and I will be running workshops and surgeries for business students each week from w.c 15 October. I have put some flyers about this in the leaflet container behind floor 2 enquiries. Please pass them out to any students who may benefit or be interested.


Monday, 1 October 2007

Returning students login problems

Some returning students have reported problems logging in. According to ITS, this is probably because their passwords have expired over the summer. They just need to re-register. If they're still having problems, they should be referred to the ITS desk.

Business School student timetables

There's an OMIS icon on students' desktops. If they click on this, select their course name and code, they will eventually locate their timetable.

Business School student timetables

There's an OMIS icon on students' desktop. If they click on this and select their degree course name and code, they will eventually find their timetable.

Thursday, 27 September 2007

CU Portal Hot Links

Hi Everyone,

A link to "eLibrary / Library Catalogue" has been added to the Hot Links on the right-hand-side of the CU Portal home pages. This takes you to the eLibrary and the OPAC can then be linked to from here. This does duplicate the eLibrary link at the top of the screen, but as it’s in an eye-catching position seemed worth repeating. Also, it seemed like a good idea to mention the Library Catalogue on the home page.

I think we should still promote the eLibrary link at the top of the page in demos as this link displays wherever the user is in the portal. However, it’s good to get another prominent link to our resources on the home page.



Monday, 24 September 2007

Library Stewards mobile phone number

Diane is now contactable via mobile, just ring 4456

Friday, 21 September 2007

Alphabetical Ordering of EBSCO Databases

Hi Everyone,

Now that we have so many different databases from EBSCO it seemed sensible to change the ordering of this list to be alphabetical. After a quick poll amongst the SLs I received only positive feedback about this, so have made the change today before term starts.


Research & Strategy Newsletter

You may get a few students asking for the Research & Strategy Newsletter. This is a freely available newsletter about local economic issues produced by Coventry City Council. It is not yet available on the e-library, but if any students ask for it I have pdfs of issues from August 2000 - August 2007. Please refer them to me.

Thursday, 20 September 2007

Cochrane database

Just a reminder that often when you left click with a mouse on Cochrane to either open a document or a search screen nothing happens. If this is the case right click with the mouse and select open in new window

Coventry University Athens Email

Hi Everyone,

The email address for users to contact when they have problems with Athens has changed to, so please give this out to users needing help with passwords, etc.

The old address ( should still work, but please try to use the new address from now on, in case the old one is deactivated completely.



Wednesday, 12 September 2007

Subject Listing (eLibrary)

The following subject categories have been removed from the eLibrary: Dietetics+Nurtition, Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy. There is now one subject listing for databases in these areas called Allied Health.

Thursday, 23 August 2007

RSC Website Downtime

Hi Everyone,

We've had the following information from the RSC...
I've spoken to Judy and she says that we do have some e-journals through the RSC, so these will be affected by this downtime.



Advance Notice: RSC Website Downtime

The Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) website ( will be unavailable from 08:00 GMT on Saturday 1 September until 16:00 GMT on Sunday 2 September 2007 for an essential upgrade. This will mean that there will be no access to RSC’s online products and services via its website during this period.

The RSC apologises for any inconvenience that this downtime may cause.

Customer Services
Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK

Tuesday, 14 August 2007

Changes to My Athens

Hi Everyone,

Please see the information below about changes to the MyAthens interface...



New MyAthens portal
MyAthens has been given a portal style that provides users with more information on the homepage. The information is now placed in panels that users can move on the screen, minimize or close, so that they can customize their homepage.
In order to minimize the impact on users and administrators, we have released the new interface as a beta version in parallel with the current MyAthens for a period of four weeks until 10 September 2007. We hope that this approach will make the transition easier for both users and administrators by allowing users to familiarise themselves with the new interface whilst retaining access to the old one for a while.For the next two weeks, users will be presented with the current MyAthens interface by default but will be able to click on a 'Try the new beta version of MyAthens' link to view and use the new interface. Users can go back to the current interface if they wish with a warning that the old interface is being phased out in early September.On 28 August, we will switch the interfaces to present the new MyAthens portal as the default, with a link to the old MyAthens. This will remain in place for two weeks with a warning that the old interface will disappear on 10 September 2007.From 10 September the new MyAthens portal will be the only available interface and no longer a beta version.

Tuesday, 7 August 2007

EBSCO Interface Enhancements

Hi Everyone,

Please see the message below from EBSCO about changes they have made to their interface. Feel free to come and talk to me about any of the changes.



"We are excited to announce the availability of a significant number of new features and functionality updates, affecting the EBSCOhost web interface, EBSCOadmin, as well as the Kids Search, Consumer Health Complete, Student Research Center, Searchasaurus, Business Searching and International Security & Counter Terrorism interfaces.

To view screen shots and pertinent details concerning any of the latest enhancements, simply click (or copy and paste the URL into your browser) on any link that applies to your particular product mix.
Please note: If you feel that any of your colleagues should be included in future technical communications such as this one, please let us know who they are (name, title, institution name, city, state/province, country, company email address) by sending an email to:

New features available now:
My EBSCOhost Supports Multiple Folders:Click here. (

Thesaurus Search Suggestions Visible to Users :Click here. (

HTTPS Access is now Available:Click here. (

Miscellaneous Enhancements, e.g., Autocomplete Upgrade, Customizable Ask-A-Librarian Link to a Specified URL:Click here. (

Administrators can Customize Database Groupings:Click here. (

Shibboleth Authentication Service Supports Additional Federations:Click here. (

EBSCO's Advanced 508 Compliant Interface:Click here. (
We hope that you like the new, easier-to-read format, and welcome your comments. "

Monday, 6 August 2007

Athens Terms & Conditions

Hi All,

I've received the following message from Eduserv about the Athens Terms & Conditions. I'm just passing it on for info:

"Following a review of our Athens Terms and Conditions to reflect the usage of the Federation Gateways and Eduserv’s liabilities after July 2008 with regard to direct contracts with organisations, please be advised that we will be updating the online versions on Tuesday 31st July 2007.
1. Users
All Athens users will be required to click the 'Accept' link for the amended user Terms and Conditions before being permitted to access Athens protected resources. This will be a ‘one-off’ exercise for individual account holders until the Terms and Conditions are amended again. "



Friday, 13 July 2007

4 new databases

New databases added to Metalib are as follows:

Land of Lost Content: 20th and 21st century design and popular culture related images from the collection of designer Wayne Hemingway of Hemingway Design (formerly of the label Red or Dead) and the National Museum of British Popular Culture. 250,000+ images. More added daily. Images can be purchased for £2 each. Site is being updated in September so this is a temporary addition until proper site with student access is created. (contact AMH)

MLA International Bibliography: bibliography of journal articles, books and dissertations. Subjects consist of literature, language and linguistics, folklore, literary theory & criticism, and dramatic arts, as well as the historical aspects of printing and publishing. (contact Sharon)

Bridgeman Education: an art image database contains over 250,000 high quality images with c.500 images added weekly. Based on the Bridgeman Art Library’s collection of the world’s most comprehensive source of art, a wide range of subjects is covered from prehistory to contemporary art, including medicine, theatre, geography, religion and politics as examples. Each image has been copyright-cleared for educational use. Users can create, save, email, download and play slide-shows of images; copy and paste images into Word-processing software, and use images in CUOnline for teaching, and in hand-outs, etc. (contact Karen)

Another point is that FIAF is now available through a different provider (Chadwick Healey) with easier interface. Contains over 330,000 article references from more than 300 periodicals. It offers coverage of the world's foremost academic and popular film journals.

Thursday, 14 June 2007

Econlit moving to EBSCO

Econlit will shortly be moving to the EBSCO platform, which will make it much easier to use, have SFX linking and will have some full-text articles.

If you would like to view it now it can be accessed by going through any of the other EBSCO databases. (It is at the bottom of the list)

Wednesday, 13 June 2007

GMID - new interface

GMID's new interface is now live and looks easier to use than the old one. Much clearer layout. More details from Sue M. and Olivia.

Monday, 11 June 2007

Off-Campus PC

We now have a working off-campus PC to test access to e-resources when users report problems from home, work, etc.

I have the connection at my desk, so if anyone reports a problem that we can’t replicate from our networked PCs, please pass it on to Gill or me or come to the Floor 2 office so we can investigate further.



Friday, 1 June 2007

MetaLib - My Space

Hi Everyone,

Please note that Paul has added a message to the Login screen of MetaLib to warn users that during the upgrade this summer they will lose any information they have saved to their My Space area within MetaLib. This is because we will be changing the login credentials that people will be using. After the upgrade users will login with their Active Directory username and password, which we feel will be a big improvement.



Thursday, 31 May 2007


In preparation for an upcoming Scopus release, Scopus will be unavailable on Saturday, 2 June for approx. 4 hours starting at 8:00 AM EDT (12:00 PM GMT). We apologize for any inconvenience.

Wednesday, 23 May 2007

Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing - Groover

On the library catalogue one copy of the latest edition of this book has a note attached to say it is held in the second floor office. It is on the shelves behind my desk. The book can be loaned, but please don't loan the disc unless it is to a member of staff. Leave the disc on my desk.
Many thanks

Tuesday, 15 May 2007

Ebrary Bookshelf Problem

Within ebrary we are experiencing a problem accessing books saved to the bookshelf when using the student PCs on-campus. Both ebrary and IT Services have been investigating the problem for some time and will continue to do so.

Until a proper solution has been found users can still acess their bookshelf titles by right-clicking on the title and selecting the option to 'Open in New Window.'

Friday, 4 May 2007

Lexis database changes

Lexis Nexis Professional is changing to Lexis Nexis Butterworths in summer 2007. The interface will change but content will remain the same. We currently have a trial to the new database. It's accessible via the Portal, username and passwords are in the usual place on the w drive. The username and password will change monthly until Athens access is set up later on this year.

Monday, 23 April 2007

Cambridge Journals Online Service disruption, 28th April

Please note that there may be intermittent interruptions in service to our Cambridge Journals Online customers on Saturday, April 28th, from 8 am until 11 am BST (3 am until 6 am EDT), as maintenance must be performed on the server.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Thank you.
Susan Soule
Journals Marketing Manager
Cambridge University Press, Americas

Tuesday, 17 April 2007

Printer on 2nd floor out of order

The printer on the 2nd floor is currently out of order. IT Services helpdesk are aware of the problem and will bring up some new parts to fix it as it keeps jamming. Please tell students they can print their work from any other printer in the building.

Thursday, 12 April 2007

Scopus downtime, Saturday 14th of April

Please be advised that maintenance has been scheduled on the Scopus platform for Saturday April 14th, resulting in system downtime. It is anticipated that Scopus will be unavailable for approximately 4 hours, starting at 12:00 PM GMT.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
Kind regards,
The E-Helpdesk

To find the contact information for the e-Helpdesk closest to you, please click on the link below
Scopus -

Wednesday, 4 April 2007

SAE Digital Library

We are currently experiencing some problems accessing the full text of documents on the SAE Digital Library. When clicking on 'view document' a message appears saying 'access denied' and gives possible reasons, most relating to subscription problems or download limits. We should not be having these problems and I have contacted our suppliers as a matter of urgency to get this matter resolved.

Wednesday, 28 March 2007

Photocopiers Out of Order

It would seem that the copiers on the ground and first floor are out of order. TLSU know but are short staffed, so you will need to direct students to floors 2 and 3.

Friday, 9 March 2007

SFX Year Box - 999

Hi Everyone,

For some reason the number 999 is appearing in all SFX Year boxes, when you click on a journal title in the Find e-journal list within MetaLib.

It doesn't seem to be causing too many problems. You can still click through to the journal, without deleting the 999. Also, the correct year seems to be displaying if you click on SFX from an article that you've found.

I'm not overly concerned, but I have asked Paul to investigate, so hopefully it will be sorted out soon.



Thursday, 8 March 2007

ScienceDirect down on Sunday morning, 11th March

This message is to inform you that ScienceDirect (but not Scopus) will be unavailable for a planned period of downtime on Sunday, March 11, 2007 for approximately 7 hours starting at 01:00 AM EST (06:00 AM GMT). This is to adjust the system to take account the change to Daylight Saving Time in the United States. We hope that by providing this advance notice we can help minimise any inconvenience to you and to your ScienceDirect users.
The system was successfully upgraded last Saturday. Our technical team is working as hard as they possibly can to eliminate the unforeseen difficulties which some of our customers have experienced since in accessing ScienceDirect and Scopus. We apologise to those customers who have been affected by these difficulties.

Tony McSean
Director of Library Relations
32 Jamestown Road
London NW1 7BY

Monday, 5 March 2007

Room 108

Room 108 currently has no electricity. Estates have been informed and will hopefully come and sort it out soon.


Friday, 2 March 2007

More on Science Direct down time

Everyone who has been involved with system upgrades in other contexts will not be completely surprised to learn that the upgrade and reinstallation of Science Direct's core techologies last Saturday encountered some unexpected problems. As a consequence, the upgrade was aborted, the system was reset and we again need to close down the system this week-end to carry out the work .
With great regret and with the most profound apologies, therefore, we announce that ScienceDirect will be unavailable again tomorrow (Saturday, March 3rd) for approximately 9 hours starting at 06:30 AM EST (11:30 GMT). The changes are necessary to improve the performance of ScienceDirect and to ensure a high level of reliability in the coming years
We apologize for any inconvenience that this will cause to ScienceDirect users, which we hope we can extenuate by providing this advance notice.
How to our progress: If you attempt to access ScienceDirect tomorrow while the system is unavailable you will be redirected to a substitute home page - . In response to user feedback during last week's unexpectedly prolonged downtime, we will make arrangements this week to make sure that the information on this page will be regularly updated to reflect our estimate of the time at which normal service will be resumed.
Once again, we apologise for this inconvenience and thank you for bearing with us.
Tony McSean Director of Library Relations Elsevier 32 Jamestown Road London NW1 7BY +44 7795 960516 +44 20 7424 4242

Thursday, 1 March 2007

ScienceDirect and Scopus downtime

ScienceDirect and Scopus system downtime, March 3rd

Dear ScienceDirect or Scopus administrator,
Please be advised that maintenance has been scheduled on the ScienceDirect and Scopus platforms for Saturday March 3rd, 2007 resulting in some system downtime. It is anticipated that ScienceDirect will be unavailable for approximately 9 hours, starting at 11:30 AM GMT (06:30 AM EST).
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
Kind regards,The E-Helpdesk

To find the contact information for the e-Helpdesk closest to you, please click on the link belowScienceDirect - Scopus -

Wednesday, 28 February 2007

2nd Floor Enquiry Desk PC

The PC closest to the stairs at the 2nd Floor Enquiry Desk is refusing to connect to certain websites at the moment, including EBSCOhost. I've reported this problem to John and Paul and asked them to investigate. Until they've managed to resolve this I would recommend using the other PC.


Monday, 26 February 2007

Westlaw working fine now

The earlier problem with Westlaw (and Lawtel) via Athens has been resolved.


Westlaw Athens Access Problems

It seems that there is a problem with Athens access to Westlaw at the moment - it's affecting all universities. On campus access via IP address is unaffected. Westlaw know about the problem and are working on it.


Friday, 23 February 2007

batteries for 208 remote control

Jane has asked that we remove the batteries to room 208 remote control because they keep going missing. I've put the batteries where we normally keep the key to the key safe. If you issue them, keep the student's ID card until returned?


Tuesday, 20 February 2007

Science Direct will unavailable for part of Sat Feb. 24

Hi Everyone,

We've received the following message about Science Direct downtime from Elsevier:

"ScienceDirect will be unavailable on Saturday, February 24th for approximately 9 hours starting at 06:00 AM EST (11:00 GMT). During this time engineers will be implementing a large-scale rebuilding program on some of core aspects of the platform's underlying technologies, which will help ensure that the system continues to provide a high level of reliability in the coming years.
We apologize for any inconvenience that this will cause to ScienceDirect users, which we hope we can minimise by providing this advance notice.
Users who log in will see a notice saying that the system is temporarily unavailable."


Some 2nd Floor Student Computers Not Working

There are five or six student PC's that are not working on the 2nd floor (they are opposite the journals right next to the central light well). CSV have been notified. If they are still not working by tomorrow (Weds 21st) afternoon then CSV must be contacted again.

Law Encyclopedias

I am moving the following publications from the open shelves to a wooden trolley behind my desk and I’m going to hold them there for a few months. This means that you may get someone at the enquiry desk asking for them – just hand the ency to them and ask them to leave them on the 2nd floor desk if no one is about. They’ll be a signing up sheet on the front of the publication.

Encyclopedia of employment law and practice
Encyclopedia of competition law
Encyclopedia of consumer credit law
Encyclopedia of consumer law
Encyclopedia of insurance law
Garner’s environmental law
International encyclopedia of comparative law


Monday, 12 February 2007

Computer Login Problems

There were problems earlier this morning with students not being able to login to the PCs on the second floor. It seems to sort itself out if you restart the PC.


SFX Error Message

SFX doesn't appear to be working this morning. You just get an error message whenever you click on an SFX button. It should be possible to reach the particular e-journal by accessing the resource that contains the e-journal, if people are keen to continue searching.

I have asked Paul to investigate, so I hope this won't continue for too long.


Thursday, 8 February 2007

Linking laptops to the LCD projector in 312

It is now possible to route laptops through the LCD projector in room 312 without opening the back of the cupboard, via a junction box on top of the cupboard and a laptop cable.

If students wish to do this and they haven't got a linking cable they will need to borrow the cable in Media which is kept in the drawer under the counter in the Media office and labelled 'Laptop cable for 312) . Please ask for their student ID card in exchange and keep this in the Media draw.

To link the two together:
  • Remove the cable labelled ComputerReplace the computer cable with the laptop cable
  • Log on the laptop
  • Insert the other end of the cable into the laptop
  • At the end of the session the computer cable will need to be replaced

Linking from MetaLib e-journals list

Many of you will be aware that if you clicked on the title of an e-journal in the e-journal list within MetaLib, the subsequest SFX menu would only show our electronic holdings. However, if you clicked on the SFX button to the right of the journal title you would be shown the electronic holdings, and also a link to the OPAC, if the journal is available in print.

Please note that Paul has now changed the settings so that the SFX box will display both the electronic holdings and the link to the OPAC (where available), whether you click on the title or the SFX button.

Many thanks to Paul for this improvement.

Tuesday, 6 February 2007

Projector in 208

The LCD projector in 208 is now back in full working order.

Wednesday, 31 January 2007

Printer Service

The printers are now up and running again.

Printer Service


All the Printers seem to be down at the moment. IT have been informed and are working on it. Might be best to check with them periodically to see if they have fixed the problem.

Tuesday, 30 January 2007


A CD-ROM has just been handed in at the floor one desk. I think this accompanies the book by Andy Field "Discovering statistics using SPSS" . Should a bereft student turn up a desk then the disk is now with Reader Services (or Alan to be precise).

Monday, 29 January 2007

New printer

An additional printer will be delivered to Floor 1 on Wed. This is to increase capacity so that students' work gets printed more quickly. It will go alongside the existing one once the table and old PC have been removed. It might not actually get connected up on Wed as there are several processes IT Services need to co-ordinate.

Ebrary Guides

I have put some pads of Ebrary guides to give out to students at each of the enquiry desks. There is also a more detailed (26 page) guide in the second floor information folder.

Sunday, 28 January 2007

Journal of Wound Care

The individual username and password for this e-journal is now allowing access.

Thursday, 25 January 2007

Projector in 208 out of order

The bulb in the projector in 208 has blown, so it (and the smartboard in that room) will be out of action until a replacement can be purchased, though the PC will of course still work. Please bear this in mind when making room bookings for students needing to use an LCD projector.

I will keep you informed about any developments

Tuesday, 23 January 2007

Journal of Fluid Mechanics

A significant chunk of this journal has gone down to store, 1970-1989. The record in the process of being changed. 1990 onwards is still out on the shelf.

Monday, 22 January 2007

New Photocopiers on 1st and 2nd Floors

Just to let you know that there are new photocopiers on the 1st and 2nd floors. Most importantly, these photcopiers have a document feeder!

Sunday, 21 January 2007

Great idea

This is a great idea - especially for the weekend staff. If I get problems at the weekend I do try to email people but this will be a much more efficient way to reach all enquiry desk staff.

Friday, 19 January 2007

ScienceDirect system downtime January 20th

ScienceDirect system downtime January 20th

Please be advised that the ScienceDirect search functionality will be upgraded on Saturday January 20th, resulting in some system downtime. It is anticipated that ScienceDirect will be unavailable for approximately 6 hours, starting at 19.30 GMT. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Kind regards,

The ScienceDirect E-Helpdesk
For further information on the upgrade please go to:


This is my first blog post - just a test....