Tuesday 21 October 2008

Searching Emerald

Hi Everyone,

We have discovered an anomaly when searching Emerald, since they added their backfile content (which we don't subscribe to). The default search setting appears to be to search "All content" and Include in results "Emerald Backfiles". Although you have the option to select "My subscribed content" instead of "All content" your search will still include the (unsubscribed) backfiles unless you uncheck the "Emerald Backfiles" box. This can result in large numbers of unavailable results being returned even though you have selected "My subscribed content".

I have emailed the Emerald helpdesk about this and they say that there is nothing that can be done to change this for now. I've told them that this setup is very unintuitive and asked them to consider my comments when doing any development work in the future, so hopefully they will take this on board. Until then, we will need to tell users to remove the tick from the "Emerald Backfiles" box as well as selecting "My subscribed content" if they want to do a search that just returns articles that we subscribe to.



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